2024一起生活節 11/30-12/01📍板橋浮洲公園旁
2024 一起生活節 ✨ 新北浮洲站 地球上最美好的寵物派對 毛派派要把好康優惠通通送給你!可以來聽楊靜宇獸醫師講課,學習高齡毛孩照護知識。好康再加碼:毛派派與年年聯手送好禮囉!
We source extensively across the world for the best products. We have a set of strict guidelines that would ensure that we import only quality, safe, and compliant products for our fur kids.
Pawtypai 毛派派 是一群熱衷於毛孩的人類,專注於為毛孩及其主人提供高品質、功能性優質的商品。我們致力從世界各地找尋最好的產品,盡可能的豐富毛孩的生活,讓他們可以更加健康、快樂及有自信。
We are on a strict mission to educate all pet parents on the need for enrichment in a safe and healthy environment. Pawtypai actively participates in events and work with trainers to provide the best experience for pet parents and their furry friends.
Pawtypai 毛派派積極參與各種活動,也會不定時的與訓練師合作,讓毛孩的家人和他們的毛孩們有最棒的體驗。
hello@pawtypai.comFollow us
毛派派 寵物精品代理商